The relationship between organizational leadership, organizational environment, facilitation, learning strategies, and employees' performance on assessments when it comes to Learning and Development examines that the mediating role of facilitation and learning strategies in relation to organizational leadership and learner's performance can be evaluated from data sets and the Organizational Evaluation Standard Scale (OES) which includes three subscales :
a) Organizational Leadership
b) Organizational Environment,
c) Facilitation and Learning strategies.
We have to agree that there are direct and indirect effects of organizational leadership, organizational environment and facilitating and learning strategies, furthermore, there are provided insights into how OES affects learning performance and learning outcomes.
Today we are discussing how Learning and Development units can benefit by evaluating an organization’s performance assessment standards and the level of practices to gauge the degree of application in real business world practices and determine the room for improvement.
Introduction to Organizational Evaluation System
Over the past years, the school evaluation has received wide attention from educational policy makers. The school evaluation approaches have changed and varied across contexts of countries. These changes were often the result of debates among politicians and educators. This has led to a heavy spread of the use of school evaluation standards in developed countries as a method to ensure the quality of education in their educational institutions (Ehren, 2016).
Today, school evaluation has become an integral part of school systems across the world. It is accorded special significance as an instrument for improving school effectiveness and the ability to manage change and transformation. Also, an input for continuous development and improvement in light of its major impact on ensuring a quality educational system and its positive effect on educational outcomes and consequently on national development and competitiveness. One of the forms of ensuring the quality of education is the pursuit of countries to participate in TIMSS and PISA tests.
These tests give a clear picture about the country’s progress comparing to other countries. These tests evaluate the performance of a country in light of the learning outcomes, and so it can obtain advanced positions globally and in national assessment as well. Hopfenbeck et al., (2018) stated that the use of TIMSS and PISA data has attracted great attention over the past two decades. PISA conveys social, cultural, economic and educational factors that may influence students’ academic achievement. Several of these factors are related to the heart of the educational process presented in teaching and learning process (OECD, 2009). AlSadaawi (2010) mentioned that TIMSS assessment provides accurate data and honest explanations about the quality of education for the participating countries. Kavli (2008) and Caygill (2012) stated that TIMSS and PISA are used to define aspirational objectives for future achievement and as measures of current and future achievement
Over the years, organizational evaluations have garnered wide attention from learning policy makers. The organizational evaluation approaches have changed and varied across contexts of organizations in different geographical areas. The changes were often the result of debates amongst various learning practioners and researchers. This has led to a heavy spread of the use of the organizational evaluation system (OES) in organizations which are much more highly developed as a method to ensure the quality learning in their organizational learning ecosystem.
Organizational evaluation has become an integral part of any learning system across the world. It is accorded special significance as an instrument for improving learning effectiveness and the ability to manage change and transformation. Also, an input for continuous development and improvement in the light of its major impact on ensuring quality learning system for employees and its positive effect on learning outcomes and consequently on overall organizational development and competitiveness.
One of the forms of ensuing quality of learning is the pursuit of organizations to participate and curate assessment tests and centers. These tests give a clear picture about the organization’s progress compared to other organizations with similar business models. These tests evaluate the performance of an organization in the light of the learning outcomes, and so it can obtain advanced positions globally and in national assessment as well.
Saudi Arabia began an unprecedented cross-sectoral reform agenda, which is worldly known as the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. One of the basic aims of this vision is to improve the educational system in order to be able to improve learning outcomes and create highly skilled and productive learners who are ready to meet the needs of a 21st century, knowledge-based labor market. In order to improve learning outcomes, school evaluation is an important component of the educational systems as it gives tangible indicators of students’ progress. Moreover, it constitutes a key element of the National Evaluation Framework in KSA, upon which the national evaluations conducted by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC) are based.
Validity is a crucial feature of a good school evaluation system since a bad school evaluation system can lead to erroneous judgments, which can lead to misguided administrative interventions and policy decisions, as well as negative consequences for schools and teachers.
In light of the aforementioned, the current study aims to measure the validity of School Evaluation Standards that the ETEC has developed and used to evaluate schools in KSA. Additionally, the current study aims to measure the predictive power of School Evaluation Standards through measuring their predictive power on students' performance in mathematics and science.
Learning and Development units across the world should begin an unprecedented cross sectoral reform agenda something that should be called as the “Global Learning Vision”, and one of the basic aim’s of this vision should be to improve the learning ecosystem in order to be able to improve learning outcomes and creating highly skilled productive leaners who are ready to meet the current knowledge-based labor market. In order to improve learning outcomes, organizational outcomes are an important component of the learning systems as it gives tangible indicators of an individual’s progress. Moreover, it will constitute a key element of the global evaluation framework, upon which a regional or national evaluations conducted by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission should be based.
“Validity” is a crucial element of a good organizational evaluation system, since a bad one can lead to erroneous judgements, which in turn will lead to misguided administrative learning interventions and decisions, as well as a negative consequence for organizations and its facilitators. Additionally, organizations should aim to measure the predictive power of evaluation standards through measuring the predictive power on a learner’s performance.
Organizational Leadership
Organizational leadership is one of the most required improvement factors in the learning agenda’s of many organizations, there have been various reforms over the last 35 years, which primarily aimed at raising learner accomplishment levels. Because of these reforms, organizational leadership has become an important topic in the learning ecosystem. The Interest arises from the notions that by enhancing the working circumstances of their facilitators and the climate and environment of their organizations, organizational leadership will have a major impact on the quality of facilitation and Training in their organizations, and hence on employee achievement.
The belief that a leader’s leadership style can make a significant impact on the quality of learning and facilitation in their organizations is at the heart of their organizational leadership. Instructional leadership which includes stating learning goals, planning the curricula and evaluating the trainer’s quality focusses on the learner’s academic progress, while Transformational leadership focuses on enhancing the quality of the organizational learning, developing the performance for an individual and the organization by establishing the organizational culture and vision.
Organizational Environment
The challenge of learning today is to offer the right learning environment that provides learners with opportunities, which enables them to develop their skills and performance. One of the most important elements to achieve this goal is the organization’s environment, as a learning environment encompasses a number of strands, including the organization’s location, structure, interpersonal relationships, available materials, communication patterns and administrative procedures. The environment has a significant impact on the lives of people weather they are learners, the employer or employees. A healthy and appealing organizational environment enhances an employee’s pride for their organization and their desire to stay around more in the organization.
The primary goal is to identify the relationship between the training session environment and the learner’s attitude towards the learning imparted. The aim should be to determine the training environment climate in terms of cohesiveness, contentment, goal-orientation, and competition, as well as level of a learner’s attitude towards training in terms of worth, enjoyment, self-confidence and motivation. There has to be a positive relationship between the quality of the learning environment and the achievement in learning and the trend towards it,
Facilitation and Learning Strategies
The facilitation and learning process occurs because of interactions among components of the learning environment, including facilitators, trainers, employees, content, learning process and learning situations. Facilitation and learning involves processes, strategies, and activities centered around the learners, meeting their needs, and developing their capacity for self-direction to organize, build, design, innovate and produce forms of knowledge. A facilitator identifies, establishes, learning objectives, develops teaching resources and implements a facilitation and a learning approach. Learning on the other hand is a critical component that a facilitator must consider when instructing learners.
Facilitating and learning are core and that training time , training methods and time management are important aspects in the process, which impacts on learning outcomes and students performance.
The effect of Organizational Leadership and Environment on Learning Strategies.
Organizational leadership is broadly known as one of the main and vital factors that have an effect on facilitation, learning and learner’s performance. It is important to determine the relationships among organizational leadership, facilitator related characteristics like work satisfaction, teaching self-efficacy, collaboration and learner’s achievement. Organizational leadership has a direct and positive association with a learner’s accomplishments. The quality of leadership style at the organizational level and its potential influence on learning outcomes are highly linked. To achieve the organizations objectives, the administrators of the L&D unit must employ an effective leadership style that inspires and motivates facilitators.
It can be concluded that organizational leadership has a measurable, if indirect effect on employee learning and by fostering an effective training and learning practices, an organization with an optimal learning environment will help to stir up predicted learning outcomes that will facilitate strong learning achievements.